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Thursday, March 31, 2011


‎"Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten"
 B F Skinner

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"The birds have vanished into the sky,
and now the last cloud drains away.

We sit together, the mountain and me,
until only the mountain remains."

Li Po

Saturday, March 26, 2011

a spot

"There was only sand glowing in the light. My room seemed suspended, silent, a spot in immensity" [Ionesco]

Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011


zen story 2

Wealthy patrons invited Ikkyu to a banquet. Ikkyu arrived dressed in his beggar's robes. The host, not recognizing hin, chased him away. Ikkyu went home, chaged into his ceremonial robe of purple brocade, and returned. With great respect, he was received into the banquet room. There, he put his robe on the cushion, saying, "I expect you invited the robe since you showed me away a little while ago," and left.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

zen story

Fa-yen, a Chinese Zen teacher, overheard four monks arguing about subjectivity and objectivity. He joined them and said: 
"There is a big stone. Do you consider it to be inside or outside your mind?"
One of the monks replied:

 "From the Buddhist viewpoint everything is an objectification of mind, so I would say that the stone is inside my mind."
"Your head must feel very heavy," observed Fa-yen, "if you are carrying around a stone like that in your mind."

Monday, March 14, 2011

excursie cu soacra

Se intalneste B cu un prieten. B il intreaba :
 - Ce faci maine ?
- Pai, merg cu fiul meu sa lansam un zmeu. Dar tu?
 - Ceva asemanator. Facem o excursie la munte cu soacra mea.

before and after sex

 Before sex, you help each other get naked. After sex, you only dress yourself.

 The Moral of the story: In life, no one helps you once you've been fucked 


1 terapeut = 1024 gigapeuti

meditation is not what you think

Excerpt from “Coming to Our Senses: Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness” by Jon Kapat-Zinn
It might be good to clarify a few common misunderstandings about meditation right off the bat.
First, meditation is best thought of as a way of being, rather than a technique or a collection of techniques.
I’ll say it again.
Meditation is a way of being, not a technique

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

zen mind beginner's mind

tuesday 08.03.2011

excerpt from  “Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind” by Shunryu Suzuki

"The cause of conflict is some fixed idea or one-sided idea.
When everyone knows the value of pure practice, we will
have little conflict in our world. This is the secret of our practice
and Dogen-zenji's way. Dogen repeats this point in his
book Shobogenzo (A Treasury of the True Dharma)"

Saturday, March 5, 2011

and the guitar

and the guitar
my best

as i was walking
the fields

early in the morning

and the dew
on my feet

like rain

as if my steps were

i'll remember the forgotten stars
beneath the eternal snows

[chiar 5 martie dimineata, in floare, la ora 5]

Thursday, March 3, 2011

two monks

Two monks, going to a neighbouring monastery, walked side by side in silence. They arrived at a river they had to cross. That season, waters were higher than usual. On the bank, a young woman was hesitating and asked the younger of the two monks for help. He exclaimed, 'Don't you see that I am a monk, that I took a vow of chastity?'
'I require nothing from you that could impede your vow, but simply to help me to cross the river,' replied the young woman with a little smile.
'I...not...I nothing for you,' said the embarrassed young monk.
'It doesn't matter,' said the elderly monk. 'Climb on my back and we will cross together.'
Having reached the other bank, the old monk put down the young woman who, in return, thanked him with a broad smile. She left her side and both monks continued their route in silence. Close to the monastery, the young monk could not stand it anymore and said, 'You shouldn't have carried that person on your back. It's against our rules.'
'This young woman needed help and I put her down on the other bank. You didn't carry her at all, but she is still on your back,' replied the older monk.
